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Find out more about Guildford Chiropractic Centre and what we are passionate about.
Browse our articles covering everything from what your Chiropractors have been up to, the benefits of Sports Massage, Pregnancy Massage or information about back or neck pain.
You might even come across some gardening tips!

Advice from the Chiropractic Clinic during Lockdown
Millions of people around the world are currently facing the challenges of working from home. As such, these can place significant...

I’m ready for you 2021! (Hannah Bellamy, Massage Therapist)
2020 came around and to most people’s relief, is swiftly on its way out. What a year! Between Brexit debates; COVID-19 turning lives...

Challenging yourself!
That was my ‘light-bulb moment’ – if I didn’t get on with it now, I may never do it – so I decided to start preparing for a major trekking

From Cradle to Grave: Part 3
The majority of chiropractic patients probably fall in the age range 20-65, and, although some may have retired, most of them will either be

Back to School
n recent research carried out by the British Chiropractic Association, more than a third of parents reported that their child had suffered f

The truth about Burchatts Farm and what the Chiropractors will do next...
Here we find out exactly what happened with Burchatt’s Farm Barn and what the Chiropractors will do next…

Update: The Big Move!
As members of this community, we would now have this amazing space to improve and make better use of, not only for our patients

Busting the Myths
There are some common misconceptions in the press and on social media about Chiropractic that are all too often reported as facts. We know i

Rehabilitation After Fracture
6 to 8 weeks of immobilisation is sufficient for bones to heal and as soon as the plaster is removed the period of rehabilita

Driving tips from the Chiropractor
With the average Brit spending about 9-10 hours a week driving, it’s important that we drivers assess our driving ergonomics to avoid any un

When Christmas Shopping Becomes a Pain in the Neck (or back or foot)!
When Christmas Shopping Becomes a Pain in the Neck (or back or foot)!

From Cradle to Grave: Part 2
Studies have shown that children should not carry more than 10% of their body weight, and that carrying 15% of their body weight can be dama

From the Cradle to the Grave: Part 1
Why should children, let alone newborn babies, need to have chiropractic treatment

Walking and Cycling to Work
How your commute it linked to Reduced risk of Hospitalised Sciatica

Scar Tissue: Are you Scarred for Life?
Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the damage and to redress the balance. The most important thing to remember is that although it is

Why Should I Exercise?
Scientific research has shown that the most effective way of treating lower back pain is a combination of spinal manipulation, as performed

Embracing Uncertainty
Since I last wrote a column we’ve moved closer to Brexit and as it stands it is still anyone’s guess as to when it will happen. As you...

Whose Body is it anyway?
It never fails to amaze me how much time, energy and money we devote to our possessions and how little attention we pay to our health

A Pain in the Neck
ever woken up with a ‘crick’ in your neck, you’ll know first-hand just how painful it can be

How far should I be able to turn my head?
you should be able to rotate your neck to the right and to the left, so that your nose is in line with your shoulder (or near enough).
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